From the recording The Cock of the Walk


When it crows it is a rooster if it lays eggs it is a hen
Happy chickens have free range and lots of space
The rooster sees that, and runs around at high pace

A great rooster, hoohoot, shows up in front of the yard
Chickens love him, come around at once
They are happy to show off their dirty dance

He is the rooster and truly the cock of the walk
They love him, follow him real tight
Sure always, roost close to him at night

Chickens are hoot! entertaining the crowd
They play on the tractor and enjoy it loud
Jumping on anything, enjoying the ride

He is the rooster and truly the cock of the walk
They love him, follow him real tight
Sure always, roost close to him at night

In daytime rooster’s perch on higher draw
While hens prefer to stay on lower ground
All dream of sleeping in the chick house at night

He is the rooster and truly the cock of the walk
They love him, follow him real tight
Sure always, roost close to him at night